Global convergence analysis for Newton-type methods for Nonsmooth equations; 非光滑方程组牛顿法的全局收敛性分析(英文)
Implementation of nonlinear least square with global convergence in Forstat 全局收敛的非线性最小二乘在Forstat中的实现
Study on Global Convergence Analysis of Some Nonlinear Conjugate Gradient Methods 几类非线性共轭梯度法的全局收敛性研究
On the Global Convergence of Trust Region Algorithm for Semi-smooth Unconstrained Optimization 半光滑无约束优化信赖域算法的全局收敛性
This paper presents a neural network for solving L1 norm problems, and shows its global convergence. 提出一个解绝对极小拟合问题的神经网络,并证明它的全局收敛性。
For very general single location on a closed convex domain, propose a combining algorithm which has global convergence. 针对一般具闭凸集约束的单址选址模型,提出具全局收敛性的组合算法。
Proof of the Function Seies Convergence Uniform Theorem and Necessary and Sufficient Condition in General Integral Convergent; Global convergence analysis of the proposed method is given. 函数项级数一致收敛定理的证明和广义积分收敛的充要条件并在通常条件下证明了方法的全局收敛性。
Smoothing Technique for Equilibrium Problem with Linear Complementary Constraints and Global Convergence 线性互补约束均衡问题的一个光滑技术及全局收敛性
Under some assumptions, the global convergence of the method is proved. 在某些假定条件下,证明了该算法是全局收敛的。
Multipoint shrinking chaos optimization algorithm and its global convergence 多点收缩混沌优化方法及全局收敛性证明
The algorithm is globally and superlinearly convergent, and the uniformly positive definiteness assumption in the global convergence analysis of traditional SQCQP algorithms is removed. 该算法全局和超线性收敛并且去掉了传统SQCQP算法全局收敛性分析中的一致正定性假设。
Research on Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithms for Improving Global Convergence 一种提高全局收敛效率的混合进化算法研究
A Simplex Method Based Improved Particle Swarm Optimization and Analysis on Its Global Convergence 一种基于单纯形法的改进微粒群优化算法及其收敛性分析
We are witnessing a global convergence of consensus on the imperative of sustainability. 在严峻的可持续发展上我们达成了全球共识。
A descent algorithm with global convergence for inequality constraint optimization problem 解不等式约束优化问题的一种全局收敛的下降算法
The global convergence analysis of the adaptive algorithm is provided, too. 同时还给出了该改进算法的全局收敛性分析结果。
During the running time, the particles are updated through the combination form of chaos update and particle swarm update so that the global convergence could balance against local convergence. 在算法运行过程中,对粒子的位置进行混沌更新和粒子群更新相结合的更新方式,使全局收敛与局部收敛达到一定平衡。
Experimental comparative analysis with other variant PSO shows that the algorithm for the multimodal search problems has better global convergence. 与其他PSO实验对比分析表明,该算法对于多峰搜索问题具有较好的全局收敛性。
Parameter adjustment strategy for promoting global convergence of PSO 一种促进PSO全局收敛的参数调整策略
The convergence of the control algorithm is analyzed and the results are shown that the system is global convergence and has bounds for the input and output. 对算法的全局收敛性进行分析表明系统具有总体收敛性,输入输出有界。
We discuss the global convergence property of the method with non-monotone line search technique. 在非单调步长搜索下讨论了算法的全局收敛性。
The HGA sufficiently exerted the advantages of GA such as group search and global convergence, can efficiently overcome the problem of high sensitivity to initial guess; 该混合算法充分发挥了遗传算法的群体搜索和全局收敛性,有效地克服了经典算法的初始点敏感问题;
A global convergence is proved by analysis of Markov chain. 通过马尔可夫链的分析,证明它是全局收敛的。
The research shows that the parameter identification procedure proposed has the characteristics of robustness, global convergence and the ability of fitting measurement noises. 研究表明,所提出的参数识别方法具有鲁棒性、全局收敛性和抗观测噪音的能力。
Not many parameters of QPSO need to be adjusted and the randomicity of QPSO is strong, so QPSO can guarantee the efficiency and global convergence of algorithm. QPSO没有过多参数需要调整,随机性强,能够保证算法的高效性和全局收敛性。
Based on the steepest descent method and the conjugate gradient method, a hybrid algorithm is proposed in this paper, and its global convergence is proved. 将最速下降法与共扼梯度法有机结合起来,构造出一种混合优化算法,并证明其全局收敛性。
Using this method can improve the global convergence so that increase the solution speed and get the optimum solution. Therefore, heredity solution is an advisable optimization method. 利用该算法可以提高全局收敛性,从而加快系统的求解速度,并由此得到问题的最优解,是一种可取的优化算法。
The comparison between traditional ACO and other parallel ant colony algorithm demonstrates that the algorithm brings higher global convergence and speed of optimization. 通过对TSP进行的实验表明,与其他交流策略的并行蚁群算法相比,该算法有较强的全局收敛性和更快的寻优速度。
We defined the new quasi-cone condition, established the homotopy equation and proved the global convergence of this homotopy method. 通过对可行域定义新的拟锥条件,给出相应同伦方程,并证明此同伦算法在此拟锥条件下具有全局收敛性。
Fuzzy Neural Model with Global Convergence for Batch Process 间歇过程的全局收敛性神经模糊模型